If you are unable to find a lender in the main rate area it's most likely because they are located in our "Alternative" section
The Lender Spotlight Rate section: allows you to search and filter lenders who provide insured, insurable, uninsurable products and lenders who have Alt A or Near Prime Programs.
Our Alternative section provides for products from Lenders who have more speciality products like construction (coming soon), commercial (coming soon) or lenders with products that have non-defined pricing sheets and those who would be considered more private where brokers are charging fees for service.
*Non-defined pricing is where a lender is non-definitive in what rates are for every term. For example a lender may have a rate sheet where it will say 1-5 year terms are available but they put with it a rate of say 4.99. So then you are left wondering is that the 1 year rate? The 2?
To access the "Alternative Lending" section, click on the icon on the left menu.
Should you have any questions please click on the chat bubble.